Good analysis from Gustavo Chacra, a Brazilian journalist from the newspaper "O Estado de Sao Paulo" (translation from Google, with some intervention....):
The rebels took Benghasi in a few days. The first UN resolution against Libya imposing sanctions, was approved in early March. At that time, the opposition controlled the whole eastern part of Libya, called Cyrenaica. Two weeks later, on March 17, when Gaddafi forces were near Benghasi, the main bastion of opposition, to crush once and for all the protests, the Security Council established the no-fly zone and opened the door to the NATO bombing - which were illegal in many cases for failing to respect the text of the UN. By the, a series of army and government officials had already abandoned Gaddafi. Still, it took another five month until his rule ended.
In Syria, Bashar al Assad's regime controls the entire territory, including Hama. There hasn't been one single crack in senior government or army. The opposition, although well armed, is unable to fight against a well trained and loyal army without NATO's help. So far, the UN has not approved even one resolution with sanctions and in the Security Council, the United States hasn't brought up thepossibility of military intervention.
Taking these factors into consideration, I wonder how long it fwill take for Assad to fall, considering that Gaddafi, who was in a much more adverse situation, lasted five months? Now pay attention, I wrote Assad, not the Baath regime ... Tomorrow, I delve more on this distinction.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
From Tripoli to Damascus
Friday, May 13, 2011
Israel: Are Gay Rights Used to Hide Palestinian Conflicts? (
The anti-Israel movement has reached a new level. Now some segments of the gay-lesbian movement are accusing Israel of promoting the rights of gays and lesbians to hide Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.
This is quite interesting given the Palestinian gays/lesbians from the West Bank take refuge where? Well, in Israel!
In the meantime, go check what is happening to gays and lesbians all over the 23+ Arab and Muslim states? I don’t need to list it here, just google it: killings by Sharia Law, honor killings, torture, prison, and the list goes on and on. In fact, you don’t need to be gay or lesbian in the Arab world today to be subject to killing, torture and imprisonment. Just see what’s going on in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Egypt (yes, still in Egypt, where Christians are being killed still this week).
And where are the gays and lesbians voices of protest? Or other voices of protest? They are focusing on Israel, now, with this new twist.
So let’s look at what’s next:
- Arab students in universities across Israel. The numbers vary from school to school with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem having over 30% of Arab students in its total student population.
Next they will say that Israel admits Arab students at universities in Israel, to camouflage Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians….
- Political rights in Israel. There are several Arab members in the parliament, some of which even defend the destruction of Israel and were present last week at the signature of the Fatah-Hamas deal in Egypt. (Could a member of the U.S. Congress sympathize with Al-Qaida and agree with acts like 9/11?)
Next they will say that political rights exist in Israel, only to camouflage Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians….
- Free media. There are several Arab newspapers, radio stations and TV. They are totally free to criticize Israel. Jewish media in Israel is free in criticizing the government.
Next they will say that the media is free only to camouflage Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians….
- Freedom of Religion. Tell me where else in the Middle East there is freedom of religion, other than in Israel? Is there a church in Saudi Arabia? When was the last time Christians where killed in Egypt? And what about the daily suicide bombings between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen?
Next they will say that freedom of religion exists in Israel only to camouflage Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians….
- Freedom of Arts. Israel has several art venues where Arabs can express themselves in every way, shape or form. Israel theater and movies have Jews and Arabs playing together, and are free to say whatever they want. Try to find in the Arab world artistic expression that criticizes the government or different aspects of the Arab culture and religion.
Next they will say that artistic freedom exists in Israel only to camouflage Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians….
As Israel celebrates 63 years since it has regained its independence, people and countries around the world still hope and act towards the destruction of the Jewish State. They never fail to come up with different ways in their attempts – whether with plain military and terrorist attacks, or with pseudo-intellectual campaigns, the latest of which is this incredible and amazingly absurd claim by some sectors of the gay and lesbian community.
Ironically, an old Arab proverb says: “the dogs bark, but the caravan moves on”. Because Israel’s values are much higher and stronger than any of its enemies and bashers, Israel will continue celebrating many more anniversaries for years to come, contributing to the humankind with its advances in science, education, literature, ethics and much more. In the meantime, the dogs will keep barking.
Happy 63, Israel!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Palestinian Bullies
Heres' what says about bullies:
A bully is a person who:
- has never learnt to accept responsibility for their behavior
- wants to enjoy the benefits of living in the adult world, but who is unable and unwilling to accept the responsibilities that are a prerequisite for being part of the adult world.
- abdicates and denies responsibility for their behaviour and its consequences (abdication and denial are common features of bullying)
- is unable and unwilling to recognise the effect of their behaviour on others
- does not want to know of any other way of behaving
- is unwilling to recognise that there could be better ways of behaving.
But the Palestinian bully is even worse, because after hitting Israel, it runs to mom (the Arab League) and dad (the UN) seeking for some sort of protection after its provocation generates a reaction.
Hey Palestinian bullies, read the above and like it says, "recognize that there could be better ways of behaving" so that your people can enjoy peace and prosperity!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Glued to toilet vs. Rocket fired at school bus
CNN front page editor likes jokes rather than real news. Or maybe he likes better when Israel reacts to Palestinian terrorist attacks, rather than when Palestinian terrorist fire rockets at Israel.